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Se han recibido dos cartas de agradecimiento por el trabajo realizado en Thika.

La primera:

Dear Isabel,


Much appreciation from all of us for the successful and noble tasks you undertook in Kenya – Thika  in the eye camp we held last week.

We are very grateful for the time, resources, selfless service and devotion you extended to our Nation and people and for accepting our humble call.


We look forward to more fruitful association with you in the future.


God bless you.


On behalf of Medisel (K) Ltd.

Jane Wanjohi | Human Resource | Medisel (K) Ltd & Unicorn Pharma (K) Ltd.
P. O. Box 540 – 01000, Factory Street, Industrial Area, Thika, Kenya.
Tel: 020 356 9900 | Fax: 020 232 1699  Skype jane-wanjohi


La segunda, en pdf; para leerla, pinchad aquí.



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